Submit an abstract or paper – deadline: 17 February 2025
The 40th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE-40), taking place 17-21 March 2025, has opened its call for papers.
Titled ‘Synergy in Sight: Harnessing Earth Observation for Sustainable Development’, the world-renowned symposium will explore the synergies between emerging technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration, and global partnerships to foster a deeper understanding of Earth-system dynamics and their applications.
We are calling for contributions that push boundaries, explore synergies between EO and emerging technologies, and address the pressing challenges of the 21st century.
Key themes include:
- Climate Change and Environmental Monitoring: EO applications for tracking and mitigating climate change impacts.
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (Agroeconomy Focus): How EO can revolutionize global agriculture, enhance food security, and support the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy. Special attention will be given to smallholder farmers and innovative financial tools such as parametric insurance.
- Resilient Urban and Infrastructure Systems: EO’s role in developing smart cities, monitoring urban growth, and strengthening urban resilience.
- Innovative EO Technologies: AI, machine learning, CubeSats, and other emerging technologies transforming EO data analysis and decision-making.
- Sustainable Land and Marine Resource Management: Innovations in monitoring forests, biodiversity, marine ecosystems, and water resources using EO. –
- Carbon Sequestration and Renewable Energy: EO-enabled carbon accounting for forests, renewable energy projects, and carbon offset programs.
- Interdisciplinary and Cross-Sectoral Collaboration: Case studies and strategies for effective collaboration between academia, industry, NGOs, and government stakeholders.
- EO for adaption and mitigation: Earth observation technology can provide data to aid climate mitigation and adaptation.
We invite you to submit your innovative research, case studies, and technological advancements for ISRSE-40, where we will break new ground by bridging the worlds of academia, industry, private sector, NGOs, and government bodies.
Abstract submissions should be no more than 1000 words and two pages. Accepted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers and published at The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, which contain the abstract-reviewed proceedings of all ISPRS Congresses, Symposia and selected Workshops. These Archives are listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, the E/I Compendex, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
International Journal of Remote Sensing: Authors of selected abstracts may be invited to submit an extended paper for possible publication in a Special Edition of the International Journal of Remote Sensing.
Deadline: 17 February 2025.
Please note: You will be asked to create a login for Oxford Abstracts to submit your abstract.
Attendee Support Packages
Support is being provided to students and early career scientists, apprentices and professionals attending ISRSE-40, with packages made available through funding from international space agencies. The packages will provide an opportunity for the next generation of Earth scientists to attend the symposium, while also promoting the importance of Earth observation for understanding and addressing global challenges to the wider space community. Packages will be provided to those who have been successfully selected for an abstract or poster.
Criteria applies.
Convening upstream & downstream
Taking place in the UK for the first time in its 62-year history, ISRSE-40 will be co-located with the inaugural Farnborough International Space Show (FISS) 2025, which has been designed to pioneer the commercial space age and advance space domain defence.
The convergence of the two events will create the only opportunity for the global space industry to access the whole ecosystem – upstream and downstream – in one place, at the same time, at this scale in the UK.
This milestone will convene global leaders from across academia, industry, government, and non-governmental organizations to explore how EO can drive sustainable development and resilience across multiple sectors.